Message from the Principal


Savar Cantonment Public School and College is one of the educational institutions in Bangladesh which are remarkable for their relentless endeavour to build up good and efficient citizens through teaching-learning procedure both in academic and co-curricular activities. After starting its journey as a Cantonment Board School in 1977 (later Savar Cantonment Public School in 1987) within a very short period, the institution has established itself as one of the topmost educational institutions in the country with its results in different public examinations and also with the achievements of the students in different co-curricular competitions.


In this present world of information and communication technology, Bangladesh has already become a worthy member of the Digital Universe.  Keeping this in view, Savar Cantonment Public School and College has launched this website. Everybody including the students, guardians, teaching and non-teaching staff and the ex-students can be better informed through this website. This website will surely assist all of us to perform our duties and responsibilities more smoothly with greater efficiency.


I hope and believe, this website will be the epicenter of communication among all the members of SCPSC family.

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